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kross-eyed kitty

Don't forget good ole Jack from the Young and the Restless!
Here from Michele's...very funny post!


Wow! No one could ever say that you 'don't know jack'! Have a great weekend!


Hehehe - I remember this post! The only shows I watch from that list are Stargate & Lost but it IS interesting about the name! Particularly since I've never run across a kid named Jack - either my kids' friends or during a substitute gig. I guess using "Jack" as a diminutive of John is out of fashion? But I wonder how many babies are getting named Jack right now...like the rash of "Dylan's" during the "90210" run!


Wow I watch ALL of those shows and the whole "Jack" thing totally escaped me. Pretty funny! Michele sent me today!

amused observer

i know about 25 people named jack, including 3 i'm related to. i wouldn't know what to do if characters had other names.

here from michele's.


Here via Michele's.
I work with a guy named... you guessed it Jack


Well, I am a fan of the last Jack!

Michele sent me.


You know I never really thought about that, but you are completely right! The weird thing is, I am familiar with most of the those TV Jack's yet amazing enough I can't say I have ever known a Jack....weird.


I never noticed this before. Isn't the guy on Sue Thomas FBEye a "Jack" too?

Here from Michele's, quite delightfully so!


Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't watch all of these shows, but I have three friends with sons named Jack all aged 6-8. Weird, huh?


Don't know how I got here, but hit your blog. I am married to a Jack and have a son named Jack. He's actually the sixth Jack in a row in our family. Guess no one can say that "I don't know Jack"! They also just renamed a radio station in Baltimore as Jack FM and that's their catch phrase. But I never noticed all the Jack's on TV. Guess I just expect everyone to be named Jack.


I actually don't know Jack! Well, I don't know anyone NAMED Jack. I do know one Jackson.

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