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For photo C: "On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me TWO BLUE MEN and a partridge in pear tree. Ok, now you'll have to work out the other ten days on your own..."

or "Pa rum pa pum PUM!"

For photo B: "Hey kids - look what I'm trading Daddy in for!"


PHOTO A: "I felt drawn to you for some reason!"
PHOTO B: "Don't worry, baby. I'll smile for both of us. Snap the picture!"
PHOTO C: "You COULD have told me you had a twin, dammit!"

Cori Crooks

Marie Non-Knitti-me founder of 'Friends of Argyria Support Group' is shown here paling around with a Pete and Davey, few of the groups beneficiaries, at our local mall this Christmas season.

Pete and Davey, biological twins and health nuts, noticed their skin turning blue about a year ago when they began a daily regimine of drinking colloidal silver. The brothers made their self-proclaimed health potion by electrically charging a couple of silver wires in a glass of water. They sware by its medicinal properties.

"Just because these people like the taste of health food or tofu doesn't mean people shouldn't be their friends. Who cares if they are blue! I sure in the heck don't!" says Marie Non-Knitti-me in response to a question about why she started her organization, which takes suffers of this affliction out on day trips in the communities where they reside.

If you would like information this holiday season on how you too can join 'Friends of Argyria Support Group', and help these shut-ins get out and not be ashamed of their blue hue and healthful physiques contact Marie Non-Knitti-me @ her website.

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